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Introducing PortDroid – your trusted app for all network analysis tasks. Designed with network administrators, penetration testers, and technology enthusiasts in mind, this app brings a collection of essential networking tools right at your fingertips.

Here’s what you get with PortDroid:

• Port Scanner: Probe any IP for open TCP ports with the added advantage of banner grabbing. Discover web services and let PortDroid suggest external applications for known protocols (ssh, telnet, http, https, ftp, smb etc.).

• Local Network Discovery: Ever wondered who’s connected to your Wi-Fi? Identify all devices on your network and dive deeper into their details.

• Ping: Test the responsiveness of any host. Is it online? How quickly does it respond? Find out instantly.

• Traceroute: Track the path your packets take and geo-locate IPs to visualize them on a map.

• Wake-On-Lan (WoL): Wake up your compatible devices from their digital slumber.

• DNS Lookup: Delve into the DNS records of any website.

• Reverse IP Lookup: Discover websites hosted on a specific IP address.

• Whois Lookup: Unearth the registration details behind any domain.

Permissions Required:

• Internet: To facilitate remote connections (ping, port scanning etc.)

• Wi-Fi Connections: For analyzing Wi-Fi networks.

• Network Connections: For examining non-Wi-Fi network connections.

• In-App Purchases: To upgrade to the Pro version and unlock additional features.

PortDroid is highly customizable and in constant development. We are always open to feedback, feature requests, and bug reports. Your input helps us shape the future of PortDroid, so let’s connect and build a powerful network analysis tool together!

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