Lock Screen Battery Charging animation App Speedometer theme & Battery Charger theme is also has an exclusive battery status feature to get battery information, Battery Temperature, Voltage, Health, and charging percentage of your mobile its easy for you to take care of your battery charging with animated charging battery theme screen. Everything is very simple, you just need to learn how to control the battery charge level or Charging Play Animation. HD Charging Animation – battery saver has an charging alarm feature that starts ringing only when the battery charge reaches 100 percent. This charging animation app allows you to set an alarm. When a battery charge is full, the alarm will sound, allowing you to unplug your charger. Furthermore, users have the option of selecting the default tone for the alarm or selecting from multiple alarm ringtones and setting them as their battery alarm tone. Fun Charging play charging show is an amazing tool to maintain your mobile battery health. Disconnect the phone from the Charger on time and put it on fast charging in time using the fast charger app. Then you will see an awesome fast Charging Animation Show on your mobile Lock charging screen.
Select from different charging battery animation or neon color effects. You can use these charging animations to set as the lock-screen background of your phone, while the phone charger is connected. With the friendly user interface, you can make your screen glow by selecting the neon color effects animation after plug-in the charger. It gives your phone screen different touch and smart look with charging fun. Get attractive Animated Battery Charging Animation Screens and real cool animation graphics for better charging. Also all this can be customized by your choice of text colors and backgrounds.
Battery Charging Animations
Battery Charging Animation App has multiple Live Animations and Charging Effects. You have to connect the Battery Charger so that Live Animation and Charging Animation will be displayed on your Phone Screen. Moreover, Charging Effects appear on the Lock Screen and can be disappeared by double touch. Now choose from Multiple Charging Animations to give your phone a custom charging touch. Charging Animations will make your phone look unique from others.
Battery Charging Animation 3D Theme Art have exclusive features:
Turn on Battery Charger Screen Effect to have Charging animation on
Set battery animation from more than 40+ charging themes.
Clickable charging notifications with charger alarm action.
Create custom animated charging screen by using photo from gallery.
Apply lock screen battery charging on phone lock screen
40+ category of charging animations & battery themes
Live battery animation
Set alarm with one-click
Customizable charging screen
Lock screen charging animation
Charging Animation/Battery Animation
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