hamid al bshry info

The application of the recitations of the reciter Abdul Rahman Massad

. The application contains all the recitations of the reciter

. Morning and evening prayer

. Remembrance of the morning and evening with sound

. tasbeeh counter

. Works without an internet connection

. You can automatically navigate the fence

. It works on all devices

. Easy to use and share app

. Recitations of Abdul Rahman Musaad

. Eye comfort design

. The Noble Qur’an with the voice of Abdul Rahman

. Perfumed recitations for the reader

. Holy Quran voice

. Abdul Rahman Massad the voice and all the recitations

| Application Features |

“Specifications of the rosary in the application”

. It has the same features as the electronic rosary.

. It will be your biggest helper when making rosary.

. Don’t worry about leaving the rosary at home.

. It keeps the numbers in your mind during prayer and continues where you left off.

. My digital rosary is now in your pocket.

. best rosary

Specifications of the morning and evening remembrances

– Indexing of Azkar for easy browsing

– All dhikrs are correct by composition

– Each dhikr has its own chain of transmission of hadith

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