Exclusive Shadow Knights : Idle RPG v46 [unlimited currencies, max speed up, massive drops, massive levelup]


Name: Shadow Knights : Idle RPG
Version: 46
Root: No / Yes

1.) unlimited currencies, free shopping
2.) max speed up in game
3.) massive drops (artifact and shadows)
4.) super massive level up (do not use unless you test it on dummy account!!!)

Install Steps:
1.) uninstall existing game, install mod
2.) put OBB if exists in my download folder
3.) give permissions (minimum storage and overlay/popup) for the game
4.) play game
5.) you need to make the mod unsigned if you wish to login to G+. Mod is strictly tested on guest accounts and therefore your mileage varies with G+ or FB.

Menu #4 – do not use unless you know what you get. Super massive level up for:
1) King level (gold and dark growth)
2) Artifact
3) Skills


Invitation to the banning club?? Yes, definitely, you’ve been warned.

Played this game for 2 days, got bored, as got to the top 30. Your chance to play and enjoy. The mod here removes MOST of the grinding part and giving you the joy of upgrading whatever you need and thinking how to beat those 11,000 stages, and swapping/upgrading your shadows as you see fit !!! Oh, enjoy those U artifacts, upgraded to the max levels as you wish

0) enable mods before you login
1) uninstall GG or memory editing tools. mod not compatible with them
2) some mods have ads to pay-off a small part of electricity bills, your support very much appreciated. wait for the ads to finish, click close button on top right corner. If you’re VIP members using this mod, login to your VIP app and it should not display any ads. Remove any ADBLOCK as those adblock cause crashes.
3) PM me a crash log if mod only shows black or white screen: How-to tutorial videos | Youtube
4) DO NOT choose “max” on your fast upgrade, game will crash, you have “unlimited” currencies, game can’t calculate what your max level for the upgrade :) Just choose 100x level upgrade and spam it with auto-clicker script
5) “upgrade all” artifact is buggy where it stops at the first U artifact. Also you will see some artifact counts to get to negative, no need to worry, just need to click that merge 20 times or until they all become large number/positive. End result, you will have a few trillions count for your first U artifact, then you need to upgrade manually from the first U to the last U artifact. Dev has to fix this or in next version I can try to think of something to fix

Credits: BTG
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Playstore: Shadow Knights : Idle RPG – Apps on Google Play
Original: Shadow Knights : Idle RPG for Android – APK Download

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