Everyone's talking about high-resolution audio, but here are four reasons why it's not necessary

Key points

  • Determine if you can hear the difference between regular and high-resolution audio with online tests.
  • Evaluate whether you have quality equipment, including wired headphones, to truly take advantage of the HD streaming platform.
  • Consider how much attention you can devote to music before investing in high-quality audio.

While many music streaming services offer a “high quality” option, Spotify has long been an exception. Again, rumors are swirling that Spotify will finally do just that, but there are some questions you should ask yourself if high quality audio makes sense for you.

Can you hear the difference between regular audio and high-resolution audio?

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It's easy to hear the difference between a low bitrate file and a higher bitrate file, but it may not be obvious that a high-resolution file can be significantly different from a really high-quality file.

There are a number of A/B/X tests on the web, such as one from NPR, that you can use to assess your ability to perceive the quality of different audio files. Give them a try and see if investing in a high-quality podcast plan makes sense for you.

Do you have high quality audio equipment?

If you're signing up for high-resolution audio, do you have the equipment to take advantage of it? The audio market isn't exactly what it was in its heyday in the 1970s and 1980s.

Many people listen to music through headphones. While headphones may sound good, most people prefer the fact that they are lightweight and easy to carry rather than the sound quality. While you can still buy a stereo system with powerful speakers, dedicated audio seems to be rare. Most manufacturers seem to focus on home theater rather than dedicated stereo systems.

If you sign up for a high-quality streaming platform, you need quality audio equipment, such as speakers, amplifiers, and headphones, to take advantage of it. For some people, this is an investment that results in a much greater enjoyment of their favorite tracks.

How much attention can you pay to the track?

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For many people, music is something that plays in the background rather than something to which they devote all their attention.

This could mean that any benefits of HD streaming could be lost if you don't pay close attention to the music while you're working, surfing the web, cooking, or tidying up your home.

High-resolution audio is perfect for when you really want to relax and enjoy the music. And even in today's fast-paced society, there are still people who want to do just that.

Maybe that's why the vinyl market is reviving, even though it seemed dead in the early '90s. There's something about putting a concept album out on vinyl, expanding with the artwork, and delving into the lyrics.

It's hard to recreate the immersive experience on a smartphone or tablet, though Spotify seems to be trying with Lyrics and Canvas displays.

If you really want an immersive, high-quality audio experience, a good pair of headphones will be your best option. Wired headphones will provide better quality than Bluetooth, although you may need an adapter if your device doesn’t have a headphone jack.

How much ambient noise is there in your environment?

Ambient noise can make it difficult to focus on your music. It can be difficult to listen to music while leaf blowers, lawnmowers, and pneumatic hammers are running. Or you might be on a crowded flight with jet engines running. This can make you question the value of your investment in high-quality audio.

Again, a good pair of headphones will help, as will using them correctly. For sounds like jet engines, noise-canceling headphones are particularly useful for blocking out unwanted sounds to allow you to focus on the music.

Since you're probably surrounded by distractions and may not want to commit to equipment that can only stay in one place, your best bet may be to choose acceptable sound quality that you can use across all of your devices.

However, investing in a good pair of headphones always comes in handy when you want to escape to music.

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