LYOTRADE is the cryptocurrency exchange of the LYOPAY ecosystem. Sign up to buy, store, trade, sell and stake crypto easily.
Buy, Sell and Store Cryptocurrencies and Tokens
→ Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), LYO Credit (LYO), Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and many more
→ Spot, Margin, Leverages and Futures Trading
→ USDT and LYO
→ Select a pool based on locking period and monthly rewards
Buy and Sell Cryptocurrencies with multiple payment methods:
→ +250 Crypto to trade directly with 53 fiat currencies
→ Card, SEPA, SWIFT and upcoming regional payment modes
Crypto Loans
→ Choose collateral as BTC and ETH, with 50% LTV
→ Receive USDT, USDC, and BUSD
Swaps with DeFi wallets Compatibility
→ Immediate exchange
→ Transparent and extra-low fees
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