BRAINY KIDS GAMES CO., LTD. | Всё Знайки® info

Everyone’s favorite games from preschool teacher-psychologist Julia Fisher!

Brainy Kids Games are exciting and educational educational games for kids from 3 to 4 years old. Games help kids to explore this world and learn something new, and parents facilitate preschool education and child development.

The educational application is based on the author’s methodology developed by Julia Fisher, a preschool teacher-psychologist with 28 years of experience.

Features of the Julia Fisher technique:

Educational games for children from 3 to 4 years old are developed taking into account the state educational standard and based on 28 years of experience working with children of different ages. The result is an educational application that ensures a balanced and gentle development of the child.

The difficulty of the tasks of the game for the smallest kids will gradually increase in order to increase the level of cognitive abilities and keep the “reason” of the baby in good shape. Thanks to this, the game for children from 3 to 4 years old remains interesting, and acquaintance with the unknown is easy.

The educational and developing application is clearly structured. The program is built taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children.

Simple games for boys and girls are aimed at the comprehensive development of the baby. Children under 3 years old are given general knowledge about the world around them, develop the perception of shape, color, size.

What will we play?

The application contains 60 fun educational and educational games for young children. The development of kids is interesting and varied.

The application includes games for the youngest boys and girls and fun games for kids:

Educational games for children aimed at developing attention and memory.

Puzzles for children with which we learn shapes and colors.

Easy puzzle games for kids that develop thinking. The child will learn to sort objects according to their common features.

Logic games where with the help of bright pictures we learn animals together with your kid.

Games for boys and girls aimed at developing fine motor skills. For example, connect objects with their shadows.

Information for parents

We recommend conducting puzzle games for children and the whole family on a regular basis, constantly consolidating the material covered.

After each session, discuss with your child the color, size, number of objects or animals, and the sounds they make. This will help to systematize and strengthen the logic and thinking of the baby.

Join a game where we learn about animals or colors and ask your child to do an extra task or ask the question: “Guess the animal!” or “What is the name of this color?”.

Application features:

No hidden subscriptions! The purchase of all educational games is a one-time purchase.

The free set includes 6 levels.

Pleasant musical accompaniment that will complement the pleasure of children’s play for kids. Several styles of background music are available in the settings.

A professional announcer took part in the voice acting. Your baby will understand every word spoken with a friendly intonation.

The environment in games for the whole family is interactive. Objects and animals make funny sounds and can interact with each other.

Parental control allows you to restrict access to settings and the purchase section for a child.

Bright and cute illustrations were created especially for the educational application Brainy Kids Games.

You can play even without internet.

The development of children is the most important thing for us.

A series of educational games Brainy Kids Games is based on the unique methodology of Julia Fisher for the development of preschool children from 2 years old.

More than 500,000 kids have already been trained using educational notebooks and games from Julia Fisher.

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